As a California native and recent transplant to Estes Park, I have been active my entire life. I was a body builder in high school and college as well as a martial arts instructor. In October of 2019 on a hunting trip, I tripped and fell numerous times. I knew something wasn’t right, and sought medical care. After being diagnosed with a collapsed disc and surgery, I began physical therapy, and while I initially made progress, I experienced a decline in function and an increase in pain. After twelve MRIs, three sets of brain scans, blood panels, CAT scans and X-rays along with a spinal tap I was diagnosed with ALS.
My wife Josiane’ s support is phenomenal. She is 100% behind me, making sure I get to the gym, my doctor’s appointments, you name it. She brings me back on those rare occasions that I’m down. I couldn’t do this without her!
Diagnose 9/1/2021
– Jon Edy