Corporate Giving & Foundation Support
As a Corporation You Can Support ALS Research and Patient Care
Learn about the significant impact that corporations and foundations can have in the battle against ALS. Through generous donations, partnerships, and sponsorships, your organization can play a crucial role in funding research, supporting patient care services, and spreading awareness about this devastating disease. ALS United Rocky Mountain is dedicated to advancing research, providing comprehensive care to those affected, and advocating for policies that improve patients' lives. Partner with us to make a lasting impact in the ALS community.
The generous support of our Foundations, Corporate Supporters, and Corporate Partners enables ALS United Rocky Mountain to make a positive difference in the lives of ALS patients, family members and caregivers through our comprehensive research, patient and community services, public education and advocacy programs.
ALS United Rocky Mountain is recognized as exempt from federal income tax under section 501 (c) (3) of the Internal Revenue Code and is registered under statutory laws throughout the United States.
To learn more about how your corporation can join in on the fight against ALS through program support and sponsorship, please e-mail David Craig, Director of Development at